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🌷✨ 08/21/2024 – Today is Wednesday. It will be a good day!! God got us!! I DECLARE no weapon formed against me, my family & everyone reading this prayer shall ever prosper today & everyday. We are covered & protected from head to toe by Jesus holy blood… AMEN!!🙏🏽 HAPPY WEDNESDAY!!❤️

Old things from Ebay

I got an orange treasure troll, a ge black camera x500, and a station wagon fridge magnet in the mail today from ebay. And on Mecari last night I ordered a 1999 scooby doo bubble bath bottle. I love collection things I used to have or things I lost or broke.


Y0U KN0W U ARE ADDICTED TO MYSPACE WHEN 1. You are at a bar or club and you suddenly realize you recognize someone. You can’t figure out how and then it dawns on you… You have never met this person before, but have spent a considerable amount of time looking at their Myspace. 2. After meeting someone your conversation somehow leads to – “So, are you on Myspace?” 3. You do not call people anymore, you post comments and send messages through Myspace 4. When talking about one of your friends you just refer to them as “Brandonisforlovers” rather than their real name. 5. When you’re out with friends and you take a good picture you exclaim loudly, “That’s going on Myspace!” 6. Conversations with friends tend to lead to, “Did you read that bulletin/comment/ or see that new picture ‘Tagger left?” 7. You check your Myspace as soon as you wake up, and right before you go to bed, including the 10 times you check it during the day. 8. You know people who have gotten offended about the Top 8. 9. You start off intending to check if you have new messages/comments but find AN HOUR LATER that you are still on and have no idea what you even accomplished during that time except stalk. 10. You find yourself laughing (sadly) and agreeing as you read these, and you know you’re going to repost this for everyone else to see. LOL, SEND THIS TO ANY 1 THAT U THINK MAYBE A MYSPACE ADDICT!!!